Privacy Policy

Consent to Personal Data Processing
By this, I am giving Consent to Personal Data Processing to the company Perfect System, s.r.o. (further "Administrator" only), registered in the Trade Register administered by the Prague Municipal Court, section C, reference 84989, with residence in Radlická 3301/68, 150 00 Prague 5, IČ: 26480981, who is the operator of the portal including the network of sales points (further "CT" only), with conditions listed below:

  1. Personal data which may be processed:
    • name, surname
    • email
    • telephone
    • street, city, post code, country
    • password - in coded form
    • IP address
    • cookie files

  2. The purpose of personal data processing is:
    To improve the Client’s comfort from purchasing and to increase his/her knowledge about current offer by the form of direct marketing and analysis of visit rate and sales behaviour.

  3. The period of personal data processing: 5 years since consent given.

  4. Personal data may be given to the following third party: We use codes from the corporations Google Inc. (Google Tag Manager, Adwords, Google Analytic),, a.s. (Sklik) and Facebook Ireland Ltd. which help us to analyse behaviour of visitors and clients on the portal. Personal data is collected and stored only in electronic secured data storage. Data conveyed between the Client and the Administrator server/CT is always coded via SSL protocol. 

  5. The Client is authorised for rescinding of this Consent to Personal Data Processing as described above any time by the application sent via email to or by rescind option of this Consent to Personal Data Processing available in the section "My Account". The Client may as well ask for deleting of data via email or again by delete option from the section "My Account".

    Subject of data - The Client by his/her consent claims that was by the Administrator informed properly about personal data processing and privacy policy*, that data submitted are accurate and true and are given to the Administrator voluntarily.
    *Subject of Data Instruction

    By this, the Administrator consistent with the regulation section 13 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 2016/679 from April 27 2016, general regulation on the protection of personal data (further "Regulation" only) informs that:
    • data of the Subject will be processed based on his/her free consent and under the conditions mentioned above,
    • the purpose of providing of personal data is the interest of the Subject of data to increasing of knowledge about current offer of the Administrator which wouldn’t be possible without this data,
    • while the Subject personal data processing, there won’t occur automated decision or profiling,
    • the Administrator didn’t nominate any commissioner for personal data protection, it didn’t delegate any processor to personal data processing or didn’t identify any deputies for fulfilling of duties in order to the Restriction,
    • the Administrator doesn’t plan to convey personal data of the Subject to the third country, international organization or others than above mentioned third parties.
    • The subject of data is titled to retract any time his/her Consent to Personal Data Processing, to ask the Subject for the access to his/her personal data, its revision or deletion, eventually limitation of processing and to have an objection to its processing, to transmit his/her data to another administrator, as well as to submit a complaint to the Office for Personal Data protection, if he/she is convinced that the Administrator is proceeding against the Restriction.
    • Consent to Personal Data Processing mentioned above is not obligatory for the means of realizing a purchase (order/reservation) of a ticket. A ticket purchase and a contractual relationship performance are following Terms & Conditions.
Our tips

Anděl páně

Music theatre Karlín

Jen pravdu, drahý

Divadlo Lucie Bílé

Me, Art Nouveau

Hybernia theatre

Les Misérables - Bídníci

GOJA Music Hall

Růžové svatby

Strašnické divadlo v Praze - ADVERTE - divadlo francouzské komedie


The National Theatre

Quarter Tone by Karel Ančerl

Colosseum Ticket - Perfect System, s.r.o.


Hybernia theatre

Svátky hudby v Praze - Grand Opening in the Rudolfinum

Svátky hudby v Praze, Václav Hudeček a jeho hosté - 2024/2025

Romeo and Juliet

The National Theatre

Three Wishes for Cinderella

CNSO - Czech National Symphony Orchestra

Swan Lake

Agency Artistic International

Concert in the Rudolfinum - MOZART, VIVALDI, SMETANA

Parnas Ensemble

Doktor Faust - muzikál s živým orchestrem

Manina Theatre


Divadlo Radka Brzobohatého

PFO Christmas concert in the Cinema Lucerna

Prague Film Orchestra (PFO)

Kabát - po čertech velký turné 2024

Pink Panther Agency, s.r.o.


Divadlo Radka Brzobohatého

The Sinatra Experience: Celebrating a Musical Legend

Reduta Jazz Club

Symphony of a Thousand in the Municipal house

Prague Symphony Orchestra FOK


The National Theatre

Dracula 30 let

Kultura pod hvězdami

Spiritual Prague (multimedia exhibition) - Blue flower

Hybernia theatre

Sluha dvou pánů

National Theatre Brno


The National Moravian - Silesian theatre

CLASSIC SPECTACULAR in the Tyn Church - Mozart, Bach, Schubert

Classics international


The National Theatre

The Bodyguard

Music theatre Karlín

Old town hall (Staroměstská radnice) - SKIP THE LINE

Prague City Tourism, a. s.

Čarodějův učeň - screening accompanied by a live orchestra

Colosseum Ticket - Perfect System, s.r.o.

Forget about Shakespeare!

Hybernia theatre

Srdeční záležitost

Divadlo Lucie Bílé

Třináct u stolu

Divadlo Lucie Bílé

Recitál Lucie Bílé - koncert v Praze

Divadlo Lucie Bílé


The National Moravian - Silesian theatre

KLEMENTINUM 2024 - Baroque Library and Astronomical Tower

Prague City Tourism, a. s.

Swan Lake

The National Theatre

The Nutcracker - A Christmas Carol

The National Theatre

The Nutcracker

National Theatre Brno


National Theatre Brno

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